Open Wednesday -Sunday 10am-2pm
Not your first rodeo?
Just want to place an order?
Click the link above!
Want more info and updates? Keep reading! First off, the menu. You might notice that some seasonal treats (like tomatoes) are taking a break until spring, and that there are exciting new additions to the menu like our new love, MUD/WTR bevy blends
We are offering Original, Turmeric, and Matcha and have been testing them out in-house for a while. We really love the flavors and health benefits of these superfood bevys and hope you do too
You might also notice some price increases. Yuck. We are just as bummed about this as you are (promise) but the cost of doing business keeps going up (have you seen the price of eggs recently?!?) and we have not found that money tree adjustments to pricing allow us to continue to take proper care of our staff and make sure that we can afford things like a new blender if ours breaks. Though things are a bit more expensive than last year we have also restructured and simplified some pricing as well. Base prices for drinks are up, but no more up-charges for sub milks, whip cream, or sweeteners. (Don't ya hate it when you order a $5 drink but it ends up being $8 because of up-charges? We do too.)
Now, if you have read this far, you just might be a new customer, If so, Welcome! We look forward to feeding you! Things of interest for newbies: We are located about 15 minutes outside of Kodiak at the head of Womans' Bay in a small community called Bells Flats. We are a drive-up cafe offering a full espresso bar, smoothie bar, breakfast & lunch menus, and giant homemade cookies. Our menu is omnivorous but we do lean veggie forward and have lots of vegetarian and gluten free options. We use organic produce, local wild caught salmon, locally roasted coffee, and yes, though I gave in to peer pressure and we now offer Red Bull kickers, we have stayed true to our roots and offer an organic multigrain bread option for your sandwiches as well. We have been here since 2008 and we love what we do!
The award for the most frequently asked question of 2024... drumroll please.... goes to....
"Do you have indoor seating?"
(and the answer is... no, everything inside is kitchen and
we are drive up exclusively for service!)
If you have heard otherwise, it's not fake news, just old news. From our opening in 2008 and for the next 12 years we enjoyed filling folks bellies in a wee little dinning room (see below) as well as from the drive up. Our kitchen was painfully small for the task of feeding this ravenous island, however, so in 2020 we did a pivot (and a remodel) and now we have a much more comfortable and efficient kitchen, but only seating on a covered front porch. We are currently working on a new cozy community space, so stay tuned for updates!
RIP sweet little dining room of the olden days!
Front Porch Seating
For now though.....
(And all our tasty beverages)
Are available for pickup from the drive up!
(real nice if you have kids in the car or it's pouring rain!)
You can call your order in, order at the window, or
our favorite option...
Order online!
We love online orders.
(Which is a good thing because this town loves to order food online.)
About 95% of our orders are made online ahead of time . So... feel free to jump on the bandwagon and beat the rush by clicking the orange "See Menu and Order" button at the top of this page.
Oooo..What is that up there?!? That, m'dear, is an organic fruit tray. Yep. We offer party platters as well. To see our offerings for trays journey way back up to the top of this page and use the navigation bar to take you to our catering page! Thanks for stopping by and reading all this! Now please enjoy the best part of this website...Our
Phone (907) 487-2622
Address 11206 West Rezanof Kodiak Alaska 99615
Copyright © 2020 Java Flats - All Rights Reserved.